Tuesday 29 October 2013

Storytelling Across Platforms - A review

The Chartered Institute of Marketing South West – Storytelling across Platforms talk was held at the Bournemouth University Executive Business Centre. With great opportunity for networking prior to the talk, this event was seamlessly organised. The venue was purpose build for lectures, which allowed the speaker to connect well with the audience and display digital content that the whole room could easily see and hear.

Paul Sheehy from Folk Digital was a dynamic and inspiring speaker, weaving tales of social media with great visual examples. Paul’s reconstruction of O2 and Tesco mobile’s Twitter rap with Dorset CIM Ambassador Matt Desmier was simply brilliant. Whilst the crowd were crying with laughter, the point was clearly made. Not all social engagement should push products or sales, telling a story that is interesting and relevant can be much more effective for reaching your campaign goals. Paul spoke of the rise of personalisation over SEO as a trend for our campaign futures. We were all asked to take on the role of Alfred, a twenty something looking for that perfect engagement ring.  Two videos were shown for two jewellers, one spoke of product, cut, quality and range available. The other spoke of passion, business heritage and of inspiration. The winner was clear – all Alfreds chose the latter jewellers.

Personalisation is key for social media interaction. Ensuring that your audience buy into your brand on a long term and engaged basis, rather than your message being drowned out in the daily storm of digital noise. Consumers are becoming wise to social media strategy and are bored of pushed products and sales pitches, preferring two-way dialogue, interesting calls to action and opportunity for exclusive content or experience. Consumers are demanding added value from their engagement, which if offered successfully can secure long-term positive brand alliance.

Here are the top tips from Storytelling Across Platforms:

1    Put people not products at the heart of what you are doing. Your audience are all unique, what is the method of communication that best suits them?

2    Speak to the heart not the head. The heart leads with emotional response, which the head will remember and share.

3    Why do you do what you do? What is your central reason or passion? This is key for brand engagement as the audience can relate and trust in this passion.

4    Don’t be restrained by traditional content. Sometimes what appears to be unrelated content, can actually promote the strongest brand response.

5    Finally ensure all content is genuine, interesting and adds value to the reader. Digital spam is blocked in a mind overpopulated with information and communication.

By Maria Parker - Harris
 Group Marketing Co-ordinator
The SPS Group

Folk Digital - http://www.wearefolk.com/
CIM South West - http://www.cimsouthwest.co.uk/

#folkdigital #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #CIM #storytelling

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