Monday 17 February 2014

Making the Most of Mobile - A Review

Making the Most of Mobile was held at the Bournemouth University Executive Business Centre by the CIM South West. With a healthy mix of students and professionals and Duncan Cook from 3 Sided Cube speaking, the event offered to demystify marketing in the mobile world. 

Duncan came armed with some amazing facts; for example did you know that at the end of 2012 1 Billion smart phones were being used, rising to 2.1 Billion by the end of 2013? Staggering numbers I am sure you will agree. With more people owning a smart phone than a toothbrush, mobile marketing should no longer be overlooked. Its power in distributing brand or product information is phenomenal. In 2013 more iPhones were purchased than babies born. John Lewis has stated that 75% of sales in 2013 took place on tablets and smart phones. In a retail market, brands really must start including mobile apps and mobile website provision that will not only allow customers ease of shopping, but also interactive brand activity. It is predicted that there will be 4.4 billion mobile app users by 2017. The average consumer owns 3.9 connected devices, a 67% increase from 2011. Mobile is growing that is a well know fact, what is unclear is how to best use this rapidly changing technology for brand and sales growth. Apps encourage long-term brand engagement, increase sales by giving real-time offers and promotes social media sharing of products which is ever more popular in the Gen Z purchase decision. 

Duncan suggested that apps have the potential to reach billions of people globally, quickly and easily like no other marketing medium. But before you all go running to design your apps, Duncan has some words of caution. When designing your app, it is vital that you consider the purpose from a user's perspective. As easy as it is to run away with the excitement of your idea, bring yourself back to earth with these three questions:

- Will your app be used multiple times? Why?
- Why would someone download it?
- Why would they keep the app?

If you are stumbling with these questions, than you should revisit the concept to ensure that what you are creating is the best in its category and ultimately great according to Duncan.

When talking about platforms, Android has an 81% UK market share, with open source that is cheaper and customisable, however as the platform with the most free apps it generates less revenue. iOS has 13.4% of UK market share, with the most paid downloads and most user internet activity. An insight into the future was the Samsung operating system, rumoured to be announced in February. Keep your eyes peeled folks as this could be a game changer! Microsoft has 4.1% of UK market share and so we are expecting big changes from the Microsoft camp very soon. 

When designing your app as you would a website, you must consider your audience and organise content to match their needs and user style. Every 100 millisecond in load time decreases app downloads by 1%. Due to the unique reach of app stores for distribution, thinking globally is more essential than ever before and must be considered beyond language and culture contexts. Apps are also ageless with 38% of 2 year olds using mobile devices. Mobile apps have opened up a wide ranging new market that reaches both the very young and older consumers, this is suggested to be due to the intuitive nature of apps. 

When launching your app it is key to understand this unusual distribution channel, where traditional marketing is often rendered ineffective. Marketing activity must be concentrated to a one day or one week slot to ensure your app is ranked highly on the app stores, which display in real time. Viral techniques, blogging and social media are often the most successful strategies, but must be supported by an app that is best in its category and will be supported by strong word of mouth and sharing interaction. SEO is largely irrelevant in this context, as long as the description is accurate, the screen shots are the key to pitching to downloaders.

Top tips from Making the Most of Mobile are:
  1. Before you release your app, make sure you can answer the three key questions.
  2. Keep and eye on Samsung, their new operating system could be a real game changer. 
  3. Think globally when designing your app, as you have limited control on its distribution reach. 
  4. Consider the best platform for speed in your design, remembering the 100 millisecond rule.
  5. Social media and digital marketing is king when marketing your app. Utilise bloggers and opinion leaders to spread the word. 
Making the Most of Mobile was an interactive event, with Duncan bravely inviting questions at all stages of his talk. It was clear that Duncan lives and breathes mobile and deliver his talk confidently as the guru of mobile apps. 

Maria Parker-Harris
Group marketing Co-ordinator
The SPS Group

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